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Image depicting Deep-sea divers encounter the Phantom Jellyfish!

Deep-sea divers encounter the Phantom Jellyfish!


Recommended for Jellyfish

Giant phantom jellyfish with an extraterrestrial appearance have been discovered in the icy waters off the coast of Antarctica.

According to the findings of a recent study, people on cruise ships and in submersibles off the coast of Antarctica came into contact with enormous phantom jellyfish. Passengers aboard a cruise liner travelling off the coast of Antarctica reported seeing the giant phantom jellyfish.

Key facts!

  • The giant phantom jellyfish are deep-sea creatures.
  • Their size makes them resemble a UFO.
  • In addition, they have thick ribbons streaming from their undersides.
  • The researchers also assessed that the jellyfish were longer than 15 feet.
  • Further, at least one of them stretched to a length of at least 30 feet.
  • What makes this sighting really unique is:
    • Firstly, there are giant Phantom jellyfish in all of the oceans on Earth with the exception of the Arctic Ocean.
    • Secondly, humans rarely catch a glimpse of these mysterious animals.
      • This is because they usually swim deep below the water’s surface.
    • In depths of more than 250 feet, 280 feet, and 900 feet, the jellyfish were observed.
    • Although giant phantom jellyfish are most commonly found at depths of less than 3,000 feet.
  • Researchers have never figured out why the jellyfish choose to gather in waters that are rather shallow around Antarctica.
  • A possible explanation for this behaviour is that the jellyfish swim to higher altitudes so that they can cleanse themselves of parasites by being exposed to ultraviolet radiation.
  • Meanwhile, the Antarctic is referred to be a “special high-risk” environment by the United States Coast Guard.
  • As the waters that surround Antarctica are known to be dangerous.
  • Further, the continent itself has a history of being responsible for the deaths of brave explorers on notable trips.

Watch a video

An amazing sighting of a giant phantom jelly in the deep sea was posted on YouTube.

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