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Image depicting Egyptian Sphinx Statues Found at Sun Temple!

Egyptian Sphinx Statues Found at Sun Temple!


Recommended for Preparatory Grades

Archaeologists have recently discovered some amazing new artefacts from ancient Egypt. These artefacts are statues of pharaohs. The pharaohs are like kings and sphinxes. According to Egyptian folktales, they are creatures with the head of a human and the body of a lion.

Important Details

  • The statues were found at a sun temple in Egypt, where people went to worship the sun god.
  • They were buried in the sand for thousands of years.
  • But archaeologists were able to uncover them and learn more about ancient Egyptian culture.
    • The statues are very big – some of them are as tall as a two-story building!

Wrap Up

In conclusion, the discovery of these ancient statues is a very exciting development for archaeologists and anyone who is interested in ancient Egyptian history. By studying these artefacts, we can learn more about how people lived in ancient times and what they believed. The statues are a reminder of the many amazing things that the ancient Egyptians were able to create.

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