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Fun Roadshow Brings UK and India Together!


Recommended for Preparatory Grades

Once upon a time, there was a super cool university in the UK. They decided to take a road trip all the way to India! Why, you ask? Well, they wanted to make friends and work together on science stuff.

They even made a special agreement with a famous Indian institute called IISc. They will do a PhD program together and learn cool things like biomaterials and graphene.

Important Details

  • The head honcho of the university, Professor Stephen Flint, said they want to be best buddies with India. They already have some research friends at IISc! And now they will share students and teach them fancy stuff. The students will spend time in Manchester and Bengaluru, which is like going on an adventure!
  • The boss of IISc, Professor Govindan Rangarajan, is super happy too. He thinks it’s a great idea to team up and learn from each other. They will work together on important things like health and diseases.
  • The university peeps are even starting a special project called NAMASTE to help kids with autism in India, Sri Lanka, and Nepal. They want to find better ways to take care of them and their families. They will use smart people called lay health workers to make it happen.
  • So, the university roadshow is like a big party on wheels. They will visit Bengaluru, Mumbai, and Delhi to meet new friends and have fun doing science.
  • The university people are excited about this adventure, and they hope it will make the world a better place. Who knows what amazing things they will discover? Let’s wish them good luck and hope they have an awesome time in India!

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