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Funny and Mysterious Book Wins Top Prize!


Recommended for Middle Grades

Hey there,! Guess what? Georgi Gospodinov, a writer from Bulgaria, and his translator, Angela Rodel, have emerged victorious in the highly esteemed International Booker Prize for their book titled “Time Shelter.”

Now, the International Booker Prize is a big deal because it celebrates books from all around the world that have been translated into English. And not only did Georgi Gospodinov win the prize, but Angela Rodel, the translator, won too! They both get to share a whopping 50,000 pounds ($62,000) as their prize money. That’s a lot of ice cream!

Important Details

  • “Time Shelter” is all about a special clinic that takes you back in time. Each floor of the clinic represents a different decade, like traveling through history! Originally, the clinic was meant to help people with memory problems, like forgetting things. But guess what? It became so popular that people started using it to escape the modern world! Talk about a blast from the past!
  • The head judge, Leila Slimani, thinks this book is the bee’s knees! She said it’s a brilliant novel filled with irony and sadness. And you know what? It’s not just a funny story, it’s also a book that makes you think. It asks a big question: What happens to us when we start forgetting our memories? It’s like having a treasure chest of memories and suddenly losing the key. Pretty deep, huh?
  • But wait, there’s more! This book is not just about memories. It’s also a great novel about Europe, a continent that needs a bright future. It shows how people in Europe sometimes get stuck in the past and how nostalgia can be like poison. Yikes!
  • The International Booker Prize is given every year to a book that’s been translated into English and published in the U.K. or Ireland. They created this prize to celebrate books from other languages and to give a shout-out to the awesome work of translators. Last year, an Indian writer and an American translator won the prize. Cool, huh?
  • Angela Rodel, the translator of “Time Shelter,” is thrilled because this prize shows that translators are super important too. She said it’s a creative process, like making art, and she’s really grateful to the Booker for recognizing that.
  • So, our little friend, remember this: “Laughter is the best medicine, especially when it comes with a side of nostalgia!” And here’s another one for you: “Don’t let the past fool you, the future is where the real fun begins!” Keep reading and laughing, and who knows, maybe one day you’ll write a prize-winning book too!

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