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Image depicting gorilla to explain why gorillas beat their chest

Gorillas beat their chest to prevent fights

Recommended for Preparatory Grades

Hey there, little explorer! Today, we’re going on a wild and wacky adventure to discover why gorillas beat their chests! Now, you might have seen them doing this in movies, but don’t worry, they’re not angry monsters.

Gorillas are actually gentle giants, and they’re pretty similar to us humans. They even have emotions like laughter and sadness!

Gorilla Chatter: Jungle Peacekeepers!

  • So, scientists wanted to know why these big gorilla dudes do chest drumming. They studied 25 wild male mountain gorillas in Africa, in a place called Volcanoes National Park. That’s a cool name, right? They did this study between 2014 and 2016. To figure things out, the scientists used some fancy technology to record how fast, how long, and how much the gorillas pounded their chests.
  • You see, when gorillas beat their chests, they’re not trying to pick fights like playground bullies. Nope, not at all! In fact, they’re like secret chatterboxes. Imagine they’re saying, “Hey, I’m a big gorilla here, no need for a rumble!” They’re using their drumming to talk to each other.
  • After studying the chest-pounding data, the clever scientists found something exciting. The sound of the chest drumming is like a size signal. Yep, it’s like a chesty loudspeaker telling everyone, “Hey, I’m a hefty gorilla, so watch out!” The deeper the sound, the bigger the gorilla. So, when the little guys hear the loud “THUMP THUMP,” they know a big dude is around, and they decide not to mess with him.
  • It’s like the gorilla version of a superhero saying, “I’m here to save the day and prevent big fights!” Because, you know, big fights can hurt both gorillas. And nobody wants that!
  • The jungle can be pretty thick and tricky, but with their chest-beating language, gorillas can send messages without even seeing each other. It’s like their own jungle walkie-talkie system!
  • So, there you have it, little buddy! Gorillas beat their chests not to be bullies, but to be peacekeepers. They’re like big, furry marshals making sure everyone stays safe and happy in the gorilla kingdom.
  • Isn’t that just hilarious and heartwarming? Next time you see a gorilla on TV thumping their chest, you can tell everyone their secret language for keeping peace in the jungle. Who knew gorillas could be so clever and caring, right? Keep exploring and learning, my curious friend!

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Check out these chest-beating gorillas! Watch the epic video below!

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