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Government’s YUVA programme will support young authors


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Hey there, young authors of India! Guess what? The central government has just launched an awesome program called YUVA, which stands for “Young, Upcoming and Versatile Authors.” It’s like a special training and mentoring program just for you! Isn’t that cool?

Important Details

  • The National Book Trust (NBT), which is part of the Ministry of Education, is the one in charge of making this program happen. They will publish the books that you, the talented young authors, write as part of this exciting scheme. And guess what? They’ll even translate your books into different languages spoken all across India. Imagine how many people will get to read your stories!
  • Now, here’s how you can join in on the fun. Right now, there’s an all-India contest going on to find the best authors (from 1 June to 31 July 2021). If you’re under 30 years old, you can participate by submitting a document of 5,000 words that showcases your amazing ideas. Isn’t that fantastic? Show the world your creativity and imagination!
  • After you’ve submitted your work, the NBT will carefully select 75 finalists and announce them on 15 August 2021. If you’re one of the lucky ones, you’ll receive guidance to help you write your very own novels. And that’s not all! You’ll also receive a monthly scholarship of ₹50,000 for six months. Wow, that’s some serious encouragement to keep pursuing your passion for writing!
  • Now, mark your calendars because something big is happening on 12 January 2022. That’s National Youth Day (Yuva Diwas), and it’s when the government will proudly launch all the incredible books written by talented authors like you. It’s going to be a day filled with celebration and excitement!
  • YUVA is all about promoting reading, writing, and the love for books in our country. It’s also aligned with PM Modi’s vision to inspire young writers like you to tell stories about India’s freedom struggle. So get ready to let your imaginations soar and tell amazing tales that will captivate readers all around India.
  • Remember, you can find all the important details about YUVA on So go ahead, young authors, and let your creativity shine! Who knows, you might just become the next big author in India!

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