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Image depicting Hanuman Chalisa's Dance Magic!

Hanuman Chalisa’s Dance Magic!


Recommended for Preparatory Grades

Greetings, avid learner! Picture this: In a super-duper magical city called Chennai, there was this super-duper cool dance festival called Aikyam 2023. And guess what? It was filled with awesome young dancers from the Divyanjali school!

They were all super-duper excited to put on a special dance drama called ‘Jai Hanuman.’ You know what’s even more awesome? The whole thing was organized by a super-amazing person named Gayathri Sasidharan and her Maanasi Arts Academy. Woohoo!

Those talented dancers couldn’t wait to show off their amazing dance moves. They were going to use their super-duper classical dance skills to tell the most exciting story of Hanuman ever! It was going to be like Hanuman himself was jumping and dancing right on the stage. How awesome is that?!

Mesmerizing Mythos

  • It all started with the birth of Hanuman, who’s also known as Anjaneya, the monkey god. These awesome students danced their hearts out to show how much they love Hanuman. And guess what? They even had a special person, the narrator, called Kumari Shravanitha. She told the story so well that everyone was amazed!
  • Okay, let us tell you about the thrilling part! Hanuman had to defeat a bad guy called Mahiravana. But to do it, he had to transform into five super powerful forms, like a superhero! It was like an incredible adventure! The dance moves were so beautiful, and the kids looked like they were having so much fun. They made cool shapes together, and when they all came together as Pancha Mukha Anjaneya, it was like magic!
  • And you know what else? They danced to the famous ‘Hanuman Chalisa,’ and it was so emotional and expressive. The music was like pure magic too! This whole thing happened at the Aikyam 2023 festival, and the young dancers from Divyanjali school were totally amazing. They made Hanuman’s story come alive in the most special way, and Lord Hanuman would’ve been really happy!
  • Big applause to the fantastic dancers and their amazing teacher, Divyasena, for making it all happen. Jai Hanuman!

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