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Preethi: From Garbage to Grace!


Recommended for Preparatory Grades

Salutations, eager learner! Let’s jump into an exciting story about a wonderful dancer named Preethi Bharadwaj. She’s like a superhero, but instead of fighting villains, she uses dance and words to tell stories!

Imagine a magical place where stories come alive through dancing and talking. Preethi Bharadwaj is a special person who does just that! She’s like a storyteller, but she doesn’t use books. Instead, she uses her body to dance and her voice to speak, and she tells stories about life, trash, women, and love.

Preethi is like a treasure hunter for stories. She looks through emotional and physical “trash” to find hidden stories about people’s lives. It’s like digging for secrets that can teach us important things about how we live and feel.

She took these stories and turned them into a show called ‘Me and My Trash’. This show is a bit like a time machine because it helps us understand life in modern times.

Dance, Stories, Respect

  • In ‘Me and My Trash’, Preethi dances and talks for about 75 minutes, which is like watching your favorite cartoon episode! She uses songs, dances, and stories in different languages like Tamil, English, and Hindi. She wears a simple black outfit and shiny jewelry. She even put on a big dot on her forehead!
  • She started her show by pretending to play with trash and using it to mark her special performance area. Then she told stories about funny things, sad things, love, and even gods! There’s a story about a young god named Muruga who went on an adventure. And another story about a girl looking for a special boy in a trash can. Guess what? She even used garbage as clothes and masks!
  • The coolest part is that Preethi’s stories teach us about important stuff. For example, she shows us how society sometimes treats women like they’re not important. She says, “You are not the trash, we are!” That’s like saying we should treat everyone with respect and kindness.
  • Picture this: Preethi dressed up as a Japanese girl and acted like a fish, all in the name of dance! She even showed us how a mom’s love is like a plane taking off – it’s really hard for the mom when her child grows up. And she used garbage to show how people treat women badly, and how we should all learn to be better.
  • So, readers, Preethi Bharadwaj is a magical storyteller who uses dance and words to teach us about life, love, and treating everyone kindly. Preethi even turned garbage into something beautiful! Everyone deserves love and respect. Just like Preethi shows us in her amazing show ‘Me and My Trash’. Isn’t that just awesome?

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