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Happy Birthday Hubble!


Recommended for Preparatory Grades

Hello space fans! Get ready to blast off into some exciting space news! The Hubble Space Telescope has just celebrated its 33rd birthday!

They captured an amazing image of a nearby stellar nursery.

Image depicting NGC 1333

The Hubble Space Telescope took a cool picture of a place called NGC 1333. It’s a bright cloud of gas and dust that’s really far away – 960 light-years!

Important Details

  • The picture shows a dazzling display of stars surrounded by clouds of gas that are in the process of creating new stars.
  • The Hubble has been in orbit for more than three decades!
  • It has taken some of the most breathtaking images of space that we’ve ever seen.
  • The universe is expanding faster than we thought – Hubble found that out the hard way when it measured the rate of expansion and blew our minds.
  • Dark matter is real! – Hubble’s observations of distant galaxies revealed the presence of this mysterious substance that makes up most of the universe.
  • Black holes are real, and they’re hungry – Hubble’s deep-space images have shown us the destructive power of these cosmic monsters.
  • Galaxies love to collide – Hubble’s images of colliding galaxies have shown us the chaos and beauty of cosmic mergers.
  • The universe is really, really old – Hubble’s observations of the most distant galaxies have helped us determine that the universe is around 13.8 billion years old.

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