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Olives – Healthify!


Recommended for Foundational Grades

Black, Green, or Kalamata olives! A pizza or a salad or even bread becomes extra special with olives in it.

Important Details

  • Olives are an important part of the incredibly healthy Mediterranean diet. 
  • They are mainly found in the Mediterranean Basin  – Portugal, Italy, Spain, Greece etc.
  • Their botanical name is Olea europaea, meaning “European olive”. They grow on small trees.

Olives on Trees |

Are Olives healthy?

  • Olives have high amounts of good fat and minerals, such as iron and copper.
  • They are also very high in vitamin E and other powerful antioxidants.
  • The healthy fats in them are extracted to produce olive oil.
  • Studies show that they are good for the heart and may protect against osteoporosis and cancer.
  • The oleic acid in olives also helps the skin stay soft and healthy.
  • Italians believe that eating 10 olives before meals can reduce appetite by 22%.

Why are they so salty?

  • Olives straight off the tree are very bitter, and can’t be eaten raw.
  • So, they need to be cured or packaged in salt water and stored in jars to remove their bitterness.
  • An olive jar must always be stored in the fridge once opened, with the olives covered in salt water.
  • They could also help you improve your memory.  

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Watch a video

Youtube shares information about farming olives.

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