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Image depicting IIT-Bombay develops real-time regional language translator!

IIT-Bombay develops real-time regional language translator!


Recommended for Preparatory Grades

The Indian Institute of Technology Bombay, also known as IIT-B, has come up with something super cool! They’ve created a regional language translator called “Bahubhaashak” (which is a fancy way of saying “multilingual”).

And you know what this translator does? It uses artificial intelligence to instantly translate classroom lectures into different languages. Isn’t that amazing?

Important Details

  • Let us tell you some important stuff about this awesome technology. The English-to-Hindi, English-to-Marathi, and Hindi-to-Marathi translations are all made possible through a special technology called Speech-to-Speech Machine Translation (SSMT). It’s like having a magical device that can understand and speak different languages in a snap!
  • Now, the clever folks at the Center for Indian Language Technology (CFILT) at IIT Bombay are the ones behind this incredible invention. And you know what’s even cooler? The Department of Electronics and Information Technology (MEITY) actually provided the money to make this project happen. That’s right, they believed in this translator so much that they gave it the green light and made it a reality!
  • Oh, and did we mention that Bahubhaashak is a big part of the Department’s National Language Translation Mission (NLTM)? It’s a full-fledged initiative that they’re using to not only help people understand different languages but also to make some money out of it. Talk about a win-win situation!
  • Now, let’s talk about how this translator actually works. It goes through four different phases to get the job done. First, it listens to the voice in a language and turns it into text using a fancy automated speech recognition system. Then, it edits that text to remove any weird vocal sounds like “uhh” or “umm” (we all know how annoying those can be!). After that, it goes into machine translation mode, where it works its magic and translates the text into the language of your choice. And finally, it produces an audio recording of the translated text. And guess what? The whole process takes only about one and a half to two seconds. That’s faster than a cheetah running!
  • You know how they made this translator so smart? The inventors collected around sixty thousand different phrase pairings from various websites, like Wikipedia and official government websites. They used these phrases to train the machines and teach them how to predict and translate different languages. It’s like teaching a robot how to be a language expert!
  • So, there you have it, little language enthusiast. IIT Bombay has given us an incredible gift with Bahubhaashak, the regional language translator. Now, no matter what language your teacher is speaking, you can understand it all, thanks to this amazing invention. Isn’t technology just mind-bogglingly awesome? Keep on learning and laughing, my friend!

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Youtube user “Singh in USA” fulfils his dream of visiting the IIT-Bombay Campus.

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