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Incredible discovery: Oldest Viking artwork!


Recommended for Preparatory Grades

Hey there, little explorer! Guess what? Archaeologists in Iceland made an amazing discovery! They found the oldest drawing ever in Iceland, and it’s over 1,200 years old!

But hold on, this drawing is not just any ordinary drawing—it’s a piece of “Viking graffiti.” How cool is that?

Ancient Doodles: Viking Graffiti

  • The archaeologists found this special drawing in the remains of a longhouse, which is like an ancient Viking house. The drawing was scratched on a small reddish clay stone that is only 1 inch wide. Can you imagine making a drawing that tiny? It’s incredible! They think the drawing was made around the year 800, a very long time ago!
  • The drawing shows a boat, but it’s not complete. Viking boat graffiti like this one are usually not drawn perfectly. This drawing has a sail with lines going up and down, a rope from the sail to the front of the boat, and part of the boat’s shape. These Viking drawings often show boats, and they can be found on bones, stones, and wood fragments.
  • Archaeologists are not exactly sure why the Vikings made these boat drawings everywhere. Maybe it was a way to remember their travels or tell stories. But here’s the funny thing, these drawings were not masterpieces! They were not perfectly done. They were just simple and quick scribbles, like doodles. Can you imagine if we made drawings like that today?
  • The drawing on the clay stone is just one of the many things the archaeologists found in the longhouse. They found lots of interesting artifacts from different time periods, and it seems that important and wealthy people lived in this house. They found things like silver, gold, and even evidence of trading. It must have been a special place!
  • So, next time you see a drawing, remember that even the Vikings, who were fierce and brave explorers, liked to doodle too! Who knows, maybe one day you’ll discover something amazing too. Keep exploring, my little adventurer!

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