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India & South Korea Strengthen Friendship!


Recommended for Middle Grades

Hey there, kiddo! Guess what? Something exciting happened! The Foreign Minister of South Korea, Park Jin, came all the way to India to meet our super cool External Affairs Minister, Dr S. Jaishankar. They had a big meeting to talk about important stuff.

Let’s find out more about it!

Friendship Alliance: South Korea & India Unite!

  • South Korea and India are good friends. They work together on lots of things like trade (buying and selling stuff), defense (keeping our countries safe), and technology (fancy gadgets and machines). Park Jin’s visit to India was part of his trip to Asia. He visited not only India but also China and Japan. Wow, he’s a busy traveler!
  • When Park Jin and Jaishankar met, they talked about how they can work together even more. They want to be best buddies and help each other in many different ways. South Korea is super famous for its awesome technology. They have lots of smart ideas and cool inventions.
  • On the other hand, India has lots and lots of people, like so many! That’s why South Korea and India can help each other. South Korea can share their amazing technology, and India can give South Korea a big market to sell their cool gadgets.
  • South Korea is investing in India’s buildings and factories. They’re helping us make our country even better. And guess what? India is buying technology and defense equipment from South Korea. It’s like a big exchange of cool things!
  • From all these important details, we can understand that South Korea and India really like each other. They want to be good friends and help each other grow. South Korea has great technology, and India has lots of people who can use it. They want to work together on trade, defense, and technology stuff. It’s like they’re building a strong friendship bridge between them!
  • So, my little friend, Park Jin, the Foreign Minister of South Korea, visited India to meet our awesome External Affairs Minister, Dr S. Jaishankar. They had a special meeting to talk about how they can be better friends and help each other. South Korea has cool technology, and India has a big market.
  • They’re going to work together on trade, defense, and technology stuff. It’s like a big adventure in friendship! By being friendly with other countries, we can make the world a happier and safer place. Isn’t that super cool?

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