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Image depicting Australia and India signed Trade agreement

Australia and India sign a trade agreement


Recommended for Middle Grades

Greetings, inquisitive soul! Guess what? India and Australia just signed an economic cooperation and trade agreement. It’s like a big deal for them because they want to trade with each other and be super friendly. Isn’t that interesting?

Australian Prime Minister Scott Morrison decided to do something special to celebrate the trade agreement. He cooked yummy Indian dishes for Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi. He even made Narendra Modi’s favorite food called khichdi. How cool is that?

Scott Morrison was so excited about his cooking skills that he posted pictures of the food and himself on Instagram. Can you believe it? He wanted everyone to see how awesome he is in the kitchen.

Friendship through Trade: India-Australia Alliance

  • The trade agreement was signed in a virtual ceremony. That means the people from India and Australia didn’t have to travel to meet each other. They used fancy technology to talk and sign the agreement.
  • Piyush Goyal, who is the Union Minister of Commerce and Industry in India, and Dan Tehan, who is the Minister for Trade & Tourism in Australia, signed the agreement. It’s like they put their names on a special paper to make it official.
  • Narendra Modi and Scott Morrison were also there at the virtual ceremony. They wanted to make sure everything goes smoothly and everyone is happy.
  • The trade agreement says that Australia will let Indian goods come into their country without any extra taxes. It’s like a free pass for Indian things like clothes, furniture, jewelry, and machines.
  • On the other hand, India will also let Australian things come into their country without any extra taxes. They will welcome products like coal, sheep meat, wool, and shiny ores. That sounds really fancy, doesn’t it?
  • From all these details, we can see that India and Australia really want to be good friends and help each other with trade. They want to exchange goods without any extra charges, which is like getting free stuff. How awesome is that?
  • So, my little buddy, this trade agreement between India and Australia is a big step towards making their friendship stronger. They want to trade with each other and have lots of fun. Maybe one day, you can visit both countries and enjoy all the cool things they have to offer. The world is an exciting place, isn’t it?

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