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Image depicting India's Sahil Lights Up Tomorrowland!

India’s Sahil Lights Up Tomorrowland!


Recommended for Preparatory Grades

Well met, curious mind! Today, we’ve got an awesome story to tell you about an Indian indie artist named Sahil Verma. He’s like a musical superhero! 

So, Sahil had a big dream when he was just a young boy in Mumbai. He loved music so much that he put a Tomorrowland Music Festival logo on his closet! Can you imagine that? He really wanted to perform at the famous Tomorrowland festival with all the cool EDM icons like Tiësto and Martin Garrix.

But guess what? His mom wanted him to be a Bollywood singer instead. So, she made him learn Indian classical music. At first, Sahil was a bit jealous of his friends who got to play sports, but he soon realized that Indian classical music was a gift. It helped him become an even better musician in ways he never imagined!

Musical Superhero: Sahil’s Tomorrowland Dream

  • As Sahil grew up, his dream of performing at Tomorrowland became stronger and stronger. And guess what? One day, he got a special invitation to be part of Tomorrowland 2023! It felt like all the dots connected for him, and he was over the moon with excitement.
  • Now, what’s amazing is that Sahil didn’t have a big team or a fancy label supporting him. Nope! He became his own manager and learned all about the music business. It’s like he became a musical superhero, managing himself and knowing all the cool stuff like publishing, licensing, marketing, and more.
  • When the big day arrived, Sahil stepped onto the Belgium Beer Stage at Tomorrowland, and he was feeling a mix of nerves and excitement. Can you imagine how that must feel? But once he started playing his awesome music, all the nerves disappeared. The crowd was dancing and having so much fun with him!
  • Sahil played some super cool music styles like Tech House and Afro House. He even gave a cool twist to some Indian songs like ‘Banno’ and ‘Mundian Toh Bach Ke’. It was like a fantastic musical salad!
  • And you know what made Sahil feel even more special? He felt like he was showing the whole world what India is all about. People from all over the world came to Tomorrowland, and they all connected through the magical language of music. It was like music brought everyone together, no matter where they were from.
  • At the end of his performance, Sahil felt so humble and accomplished. He realized that his love for music was stronger than ever. And Tomorrowland showed him that music has the power to touch hearts and souls all around the world!
  • So, that’s the wonderful story of Sahil Verma, the first Indian indie artiste to rock the Belgian Beer Stage at Tomorrowland 2023. It’s a story of dreams coming true, hard work paying off, and music uniting people from everywhere. We hope it made you smile and feel all warm inside! Keep dreaming big and loving music, just like Sahil!

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