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Image depicting Invisible from Earth's surface, scientists discover a sixth ocean!

Invisible from Earth’s surface, scientists discover a sixth ocean!


Recommended for Preparatory Grades

Researchers think that there is a sixth ocean in both the upper and lower mantles of the planet. The area where the upper and lower mantles of the earth meet are where the water has been found.

The Atlantic, the Pacific, the Indian, the Arctic, and the Southern Ocean are the five oceans on Earth. The biggest ocean is the Pacific Ocean.

The research shows that there is liquid water in the transition zone (TZ). The transition zone (TZ) is a layer in the middle of the earth’s upper and lower mantle. The barrier can be found between 410 and 660 kilometres below the surface.

Key facts – A sixth ocean!

  • The scientists looked at diamonds that had formed 660 metres below the Earth’s surface in many different ways.
  • The diamonds came from Botswana and formed 660 kilometres below the surface of the earth at the boundary.
  • That is between the transition zone and the lower mantle.
  • They discovered that the diamonds were made at this line.
  • After scientific methods were used to study the diamonds, they were found to have a lot of water in them.
  • Researchers say that the transition zone has a lot of water in it and does not work like a dry sponge.
  • This makes Jules Verne’s idea that there is an ocean inside the Earth even more plausible.

Dr Binocs will teach you all about the composition of our planet’s interior.

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