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Kids vs. Cavemen: Who Had More Fun?


Recommended for Preparatory Grades

Hey there, little explorers! Are you ready for an adventure through time? Buckle up because we’re about to uncover some ancient secrets near Newport that will make your jaw drop!

Imagine, just imagine, stumbling upon a 6,000-year-old archaeology site that reveals the fascinating history of the Kalispel Tribe. Woah, ancient history coming right up!

Important Details

  • So, here’s the scoop! The Kalispel Tribe, with the help of awesome archaeologists, has discovered something mind-boggling—ancient earth ovens. Picture a cluster of rocks that were used for cooking food in fire pits. Yes, you heard that right! These rocks are like time machines taking us back to when dinosaurs roamed the earth (okay, maybe not that far, but close enough).

  • The head archaeologist, Shannon Tushingham, is like a real-life Indiana Jones, leading the excavation. She’s been working with the tribe for ages and knows more about ancient cooking techniques than anyone else. She says these earth ovens are some of the oldest cooking tools ever used by humans, not just in America, but anywhere in the whole wide world. Talk about being a super cool archaeologist!

  • Guess what? The Kalispel Tribe bought this land to build more homes for their awesome tribe members. But surprise, surprise! During a routine exploration, they discovered these ancient rocks about 4 feet below the ground. It’s like finding buried treasure, but instead of gold and jewels, they found rocks that were once used to cook delicious food. Yummy!

  • Now, here’s the fun part. The tribe needs more houses because they’ve grown so much over the years. Their reservation has become a bit crowded, and they have more than doubled in size. Can you believe it? There are 490 members in the tribe, and 70 of them are on a waiting list for homes. That’s like a long queue for ice cream on a hot summer day!

  • To make room for the new houses, the research team is working faster than a squirrel gathering acorns for winter. They want to build seven houses on this exciting site, but first, they want to learn about the foods the Kalispel people ate way back when. It’s like digging into a time-traveling buffet!

  • These ancient ovens were probably used to cook a special plant called camas. Ever heard of it? Me neither! But apparently, it’s a tradition that the tribe still carries on today. The way they cooked it was like creating a soup bowl in the earth, lining it with fuel, and covering it with rocks. Then, they would light the fire and wait for the magic to happen. After three days, the camas would transform into a sweet caramel delight that would make your taste buds dance.

  • These clever archaeologists will take samples from the site and examine them in a lab. They want to find out what the people cooked back then, like detectives investigating a tasty mystery. Imagine, studying food residue under a microscope! They’ll look for proteins and microscopic food remains. Who knew food could hold so many secrets?

  • Oh, and did we mention that students from all over the U.S. and Canada are joining this excavation adventure? They’re learning about history, archaeology, and working together with the tribe. It’s like being a real-life time traveler and uncovering secrets from the past. How awesome is that?

  • So, explorers, let’s give a big round of applause to the Kalispel Tribe and the amazing archaeologists for unearthing these tasty treasures. It’s a journey that brings us closer to understanding the incredible history and traditions of the tribe. Who knew cooking could be so fascinating?
  • Now, grab your shovels and let’s dig up some more fun facts! Archaeology, ho!

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