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Image depicting Today we celebrate Makar Sankranti, Pongal!!

Today we celebrate Makar Sankranti, Pongal!!


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The Essence of Makar Sankranti

Listen to the marvellous celebration

  • Makar Sankranti isn’t just any festival. It’s a cosmic event, a celestial shindig if you will. Held steadfastly in January, it marks a seasonal shift. Picture this: the sun’s taking a turn, heading north, and we’re all invited to wave goodbye to the chill of winter. It’s not just about Earth’s dance around the sun; it’s a spiritual shift, a cosmic “hold my beer” moment.
  • This festival’s got its roots deep in astronomy. Earth’s elegant waltz around the sun takes about 365 1/4 days, and this dance brings us the seasons. India, sitting pretty in the Northern Hemisphere, gets front-row seats to this show. Makar Sankranti is that pivotal encore when the sun struts towards the north.
  • Here’s the kicker: Makar Sankranti bucks the trend. While other festivals play footsie with the lunar calendar, Sankranti’s got a steady date with the sun. Its timing stays solid, a nod to the unchanging rhythm of the universe. And get this – Sankranti’s not just a festival; it’s a deity, a mythic figure kicking darkness to the curb.

The Symphony of Rituals

  • Now, let’s talk about the rituals. From north to south, east to west, each region brings its own flavor to the table. The common threads? Bathing in sacred rivers, offering Naivedhya to the Sun God, and a spirit of charity. It’s not just splashing around in water; it’s a spiritual cleanse, a reset button for the soul.
  • Down south in Tamil Nadu, Pongal turns the festival into a four-day extravaganza. It kicks off with a spring-cleaning marathon, followed by a tribute to the unsung heroes of agriculture – the cattle. The festival’s named after a sweet dish, a culinary high-five to prosperity.
  • Over in Karnataka, they’re mixing sesame seeds with jaggery and doling it out with good vibes. It’s all about sweet talk and sweeter gestures. Think of it as their way of saying, “Let’s keep things nice and sweet.”

Celebrating Diversity, Embracing Unity

  • Heading north, the festival shifts gears. In Punjab, it’s all about bonfires and kites, a sort of communal high-five celebrating warmth and togetherness. Gujarat turns the sky into an art gallery with kites of every color. It’s not just about flying kites; it’s a celebration of freedom, of letting your spirit soar.
  • Each region in India paints its own picture of Makar Sankranti, yet they’re all part of the same tapestry. This festival is more than rituals and celestial events; it’s about renewal, warmth, and a shared journey. It’s a time when the entire country comes together, united by joy, gratitude, and hope.

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Youtube user “Kids One” shares with us the Makar Sankranti Story.

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