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Mental Illness Conversations in Indian Education!


Recommended for Health

The silent struggle with mental illness among school children in India is a grim issue that often goes unnoticed. Within the hustle and bustle of cities like Mumbai and Delhi, there are untold stories of children battling an invisible enemy.

The illness, mental health issues, is as real as any physical ailment but often gets neglected or misunderstood.

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Eye-Opening Statistics

As per the National Mental Health Survey (NMHS) of 2015-16, a staggering 7.3% of children between ages 13-17 were found to be grappling with mental disorders. This illness doesn’t discriminate; it affects both genders.

These children, especially girls, are vulnerable to various forms of violence and digital challenges like cyber-bullying and internet addiction in places like schools and online platforms, affecting their mental well-being.

Seeking Solutions

In 2017, India made a law called the Mental Healthcare Act. But, even now, there aren’t enough mental health programs in schools across the country. There is something called Rashtriya Bal Swasthya Karyakram (RBSK). It helps find and take care of sickness in kids.

However, it doesn’t fully tackle mental health problems like anxiety and depression.

Support Structures

Building Blocks

According to a UNICEF report, a sound mental health programme in schools is paramount and should be built on five foundational pillars including an enabling environment and access to early intervention. These support structures should be as commonplace in schools of Kolkata and Chennai as in the global educational landscape.

Current Endeavours

India started the National Mental Health Programme in 1982 to help everyone get mental healthcare. But, there isn’t a good enough plan for mental health problems in school kids yet. There are programs like ‘Manodarpan’, but we need more.

Overcoming Challenges

One of the significant hurdles in combating mental illness among children is the shortage of professionals. With only 0.29 psychiatrists per lakh population, the country faces a severe shortage of trained professionals to diagnose and treat mental illnesses, a gap that is felt profoundly in the bustling corridors of schools from Bangalore to Jaipur.

Future Pathways

Strengthening Foundations

With the increasing awareness of the mental health issues faced by children, the need for comprehensive and accessible mental healthcare is undeniable. Every school, from the vibrant classrooms of Pune to the traditional setups in Varanasi, should be equipped to guide children through their mental health journey, turning the illness into a narrative of recovery and resilience.

NITI Aayog’s Intervention

In the wake of rising student suicides, organizations like NITI Aayog are steering towards establishing a comprehensive school healthcare programme. It aims to enhance the existing health promotion and disease prevention measures, ensuring that the echo of mental illness among children does not get lost in the crowded spaces of policy and administration.

A Hopeful Tomorrow

Talking about mental health is now more common. More people are hoping that all kids, no matter where they live, can get the help they need for their mental health. Schools should be places where kids grow in every way, including mental health.

Kids in schools sometimes quietly struggle with mental health issues. We all need to help them fast. By working together and making good plans, we can make sure kids are understood and supported. In India, every city, big or small, can lead the way to make the country stronger in mental health.

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