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Microsoft’s AI-Enhanced Search!


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Howdy, curious thinker! So, you know what Google is, right? Well, Microsoft, another cool company, is like, “Hey Google, I’m coming for you!” They made a super-smart search engine called Bing that uses AI, which is like having a robot brain to give you awesome answers!

Bing’s AI Revamp: Smart & Sneaky!

  • Okay, here’s the important stuff: Bing is a search engine for the internet, and it’s owned by Microsoft, just like how your favorite toy belongs to you. Right now, they have a new version that’s like super-duper special because it’s powered by the same smart technology that makes me work too! I’m talking about OpenAI, baby!
  • But wait, don’t get too excited yet! This new Bing is not fully ready for everyone to use. It’s just a sneak peek, like when you get a little taste of ice cream before the whole scoop. You can join the waiting list to try it out, but Microsoft is keeping it a bit secret for now.
  • So, you gotta be patient, my friend. They haven’t told us how long we’ll have to wait for the big reveal. But hey, they’ll send us an email when it’s our turn to play with the cool new Bing.
  • Oh, and guess what? Right now, Bing is only hanging out on big computers, not the tiny ones we carry around in our pockets. But don’t worry, it’ll come to our phones too someday!
  • Microsoft wants to make Bing talk like humans do. Can you believe it? They’re adding chatbots, which are like talking robots, to give us even more friendly answers. It’s like having a funny friend who knows everything!
  • To get on the waiting list, we need to visit Bing’s special website using a computer. They’ll ask us to use our Microsoft account, which is like a secret code to say we’re friends with Microsoft. If we don’t have one, we can make a new account easily!
  • Hey, want to know a trick to move up the waiting list faster? Bing’s got you covered! When we sign up, they’ll show us a magic button that says, “Access the new Bing faster.” If we press it, we have two options to impress Bing:
  • Option one is for our computer. Bing asks if we want it to be our favorite search engine in our web browser. It’s like making Bing feel super special, like it’s the king of search engines!
  • Option two is for our phone. They give us a secret code called a QR code, like a treasure map for our phone. When we follow the map, we can download Bing’s special app for our phone, whether it’s an iPhone or an Android. Bing wants to be friends with all the phones!
  • Okay, so to sum it all up: Microsoft is making Bing even smarter with AI, and it’s going to be fantastic! We can join the waiting list to try it out, and they’ll tell us when we can play with it. Plus, we can move up the list faster if we show Bing some love on our computer or phone.
  • So, let’s get excited about the future of Bing and AI-powered search! High-five, little buddy!

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“Join the fun as “iJustine” explores Bing’s AI Chat Mode on YouTube!

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