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Image depicting Moon has a heart just like Earth!

Moon has a heart just like Earth!


Recommended for Preparatory Grades

Hey there! Have you ever heard that the moon has a heart? Well, guess what? Scientists have finally confirmed it! For the first time ever, they have discovered that the moon has a solid iron heart, just like our dear old planet Earth.

Important Details

  • After analyzing data from NASA’s Gravity Recovery and Interior Laboratory (GRAIL) mission, which used two spacecraft to study the moon’s interior, scientists have found evidence of a solid inner core made of iron. This discovery is groundbreaking because until now, it was believed that the moon’s core was made up entirely of a molten liquid. But turns out, it has a heart made of solid iron, just like Earth!
  • The moon, which is Earth’s natural satellite, has always been a subject of fascination for scientists and stargazers alike. People have been studying the moon for centuries, trying to unlock its secrets and understand its formation. And now, with this latest discovery, we have even more reason to be excited about our celestial neighbour.
  • So why is this discovery so important? Well, scientists believe that understanding the moon’s interior can help us learn more about how our solar system was formed. It can also help us better understand the moon’s history, including how it was created and how it has changed over time. Plus, who knows? Maybe we’ll even be able to use this knowledge to plan a moon vacation in the future!
  • All in all, this discovery is a big win for science and for everyone who loves the moon. Who would’ve thought that a heart-shaped symbol would lead to such an exciting discovery? So next time you look up at the moon, remember that it’s not just a big, beautiful rock in the sky – it’s got a heart, just like you and me!

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