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New solar cells can create electricity at night


Recommended for Energy

We all know that solar technology works by taking in the sunlight to generate electricity. But there are some materials that can generate power as they radiate the heat into the night sky. A new study has discovered this technology.

What is photovoltaic technology?

Photovoltaic technology is an artificial process that humans have developed to convert the solar energy into power.

New study: Generating electricity at night using new solar cells

  • A team of Australian engineers have demonstrated the theory of generating electricity at night. This technology is found mostly in night-vision goggles to generate power during the night.
  • The technology generates a small amount of power. These are unlikely to become a source of renewable power on their own. If they are coupled with photovoltaic technology, it could harness the small amount of energy provided by solar cells.

Converting solar energy into power

  • For converting solar energy into power, we only need a one-way electron diode.
  • It can shuffle electrons as it loses its heat to a cooler environment.
  • The diode used for the conversion is made of mercury cadmium telluride (MCT).
  • It absorbs solar power and converts them into the current.
  • The research is still going on and the scientists hope that the industry leaders will recognise the potential for the new technology and support the further development of this new solar energy.

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