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Noodles and Code: China’s Combo!


Recommended for Middle Grades

Hey there! Guess what? China just did something super cool! They released their very own computer operating system called OpenKylin. An operating system is like a special program that helps computers work. 

Let’s dive into the details and have some fun!

China Unleashes OpenKylin: Tech Independence Achieved!

  • China made its own open-source desktop operating system called OpenKylin. It’s based on a popular operating system called Linux. Around 4,000 developers worked together to create this system.
  • OpenKylin is being used in important areas like China’s space program, finance, and energy industries. China’s market for operating systems was worth a whopping 15.5 billion yuan ($2.1 billion) last year!
  • China wants to be more independent and not rely too much on technology from other countries, especially the United States. They’re working hard to create their own operating system, and OpenKylin is a big step in that direction. They want to have their own technology that they can control and use in different industries.
  • China is not the only country that wants to create its own operating system. Many Chinese companies are trying to make alternatives to popular systems like Windows and MacOS. It’s like a big competition, and one of those companies is UnionTech Software Technology Co Ltd. They’re working on their very own operating system called “Unity.” How cool is that?
  • So, my curious reader, China is making big strides in the tech world with OpenKylin. They’re showing everyone that they can create awesome things on their own. Who knows what amazing inventions will come next? Keep an eye out, and always remember to have fun with technology!

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