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Bhutan – India Travel Diaries!


Recommended for Foundational Grades

Bhutan is a small kingdom located northeast of India. Thimphu is its capital. Yes, the country has a monarch (king) called the ‘Dragon King’ or Druk Gyalpo

Important details

  • Bhutan is a landlocked country. This means that it is surrounded by land on all sides.
  • Bhutan consists of the Himalayas and the Duar Plains.
  • Duar Plain is a flat surface where people live, work and grow crops.
  • It also has different species of trees, plants and animals.
  • Some national parks to see wildlife are the Royal Manas National Park and Jigme Dorji National Park.
  • Most people in Bhutan follow Buddhism.
  • The country has many beautiful monasteries where it is common to see monks or lamas.
  • It also has a number of festivals, called Tshechus, which take place all throughout the year.
  • Bhutan protects its Himalayan environment. It has many environment-friendly laws which other countries can learn from.
  • March to May is springtime there, with beautiful flowers and pleasant weather.
  • It is a wonderful time to visit the country. 
  • Some of the popular places to visit are:
    • Punakha Dzong
    • Paro Taktsang ( a monastery in Paro city)
    • Tashichho Dzong
    • Gangteng Monastery

Watch a video

Youtube user “Let’s Go” shares interesting things to do in Bhutan.

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