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Overthinking: Find Stillness for a Present Mind


Recommended for Human Behaviour

Ever feel like your brain is stuck on a loop, scrolling endlessly through a feed of picture-perfect weddings and viral videos? We’re constantly bombarded with these carefully curated glimpses of other people’s lives, leaving us comparing and questioning our own reality. It’s a relentless stream of “shoulds” and “could haves,” triggering that nagging anxiety in the back of our minds.

This constant barrage of information can trigger our natural survival instinct – the part of our brain that wants to keep us safe.

But sometimes, this instinct goes into overdrive, and instead of protecting us, it throws us into a cycle of obsessive worry – overthinking.

Who is Prone to Overthinking?

Our minds have their own weather patterns, just like Mumbai during monsoon season. Sometimes it’s sunshine and focus, perfect for studying that upcoming exam. But for some people, those storms of overthinking roll in more often.

Take Riya, for instance. Scrolling through endless reels of her classmates seemingly living their best lives isn’t exactly helping her concentrate on that chemistry test tomorrow.

Or consider Rahul, a successful architect in his late thirties. He feels a pang of societal pressure, wondering if his life stacks up to the picture-perfect images he sees online. Feeling a bit burnt out after a long project doesn’t help his mood either.


See? Everyone experiences these downpours of worry, especially deep thinkers like Riya or people going through stressful times like Rahul. Being sensitive, easily stressed, or just plain tired can make those storms harder to weather.

But the good news is, just like the monsoon eventually clears, you can learn to manage those overthinking tendencies!

A Word about Sensitivity

Sometimes you might be accused of “thinking too much” or being “too sensitive”. Don’t let that fool you! Feeling things deeply is a superpower, even if it means your mind goes into overdrive sometimes.

Overthinking isn’t about who you are, it’s a habit to be managed, and that’s where these strategies come in.

Managing Overthinking

Image depicting Don’t ignore the emotions:

Don’t ignore the emotions:

Don’t ignore the emotions:

Imagine… Priya, a loving grandmother, hasn’t slept properly in days. Her grandson has just started university, and a storm of worry swirls in her head. She can barely eat, her mind racing with images of him lonely and struggling. Her daughter, Mina, sits beside her, “Ma,” she says softly, “this storm inside… let’s name it. Are you scared for him?”

Priya hesitates, but the simple act of saying “Yes, I’m scared,” eases the tightness in her chest. Mina offers a gentle reminder, “Remember when I went away to college? It was tough at first, but you helped me find my way…”

Together, they brainstorm simple actions – sending care packages filled with familiar snacks, planning regular video calls, even a surprise weekend visit. It doesn’t erase the worry completely, but it gives Priya a way to channel her love and concern, easing the feeling of helplessness.

The ‘Why’ behind the worry

Image depicting The 'Why' behind the worry

The ‘Why’ behind the worry

Imagine… Ajay, a man who always thrived on goals and achievement, feels a strange emptiness settle over him. He’s just landed a huge promotion – but instead of celebration, all he feels is a gnawing restlessness. His usually patient wife, Anjali, notices a change. “Ajay, is everything okay?” She asks, “This new position… is it what you thought it would be?”

At first, Ajay’s baffled by his own apathy. But as he talks, it dawns on him: a big change like this has shaken things up, not just his work routine, but his sense of identity. Anjali smiles knowingly. “Remember that silly dream we always joked about? The little cafe in the hills?” she says.

Ajay’s worry isn’t solved overnight, but his conversation with Anjali plants a seed. Is this restlessness a sign to reconsider his priorities? Maybe it’s time to rekindle that old spark of a dream and explore a new purpose.

“Taming the ‘What If’ Monkey”

Image depicting "Taming the 'What If' Monkey"

“Taming the ‘What If’ Monkey”

Imagine… Riya’s stomach churns, her notes a blur as she stares at the looming exam date circled on the calendar. Thoughts swarm her brain: “I’m going to fail, my parents will be so disappointed, what’s the point of even trying?” Her older brother, Kabir, ambles in and finds her lost in her familiar pre-exam panic spiral.

“Riya, hey,” he says, not unkindly, “Time for the pre-test meltdown again, huh?” A small, embarrassed smile flickers on Riya’s face. Kabir plops down beside her. “Remember what we talked about? Let’s swap the disaster movie playing in your head for something more realistic.”

Taking a deep breath, Riya tries a different script: “Okay, yeah, maybe I won’t get top marks, but I HAVE studied. I can manage a pass… probably.”

Kabir smiles, “See? That wasn’t so hard, was it? Now, let’s tackle some practice questions together.”

Self-Care: Calming the Storm

Image depicting Self-Care: Calming the Storm

Self-Care: Calming the Storm

Imagine… That relentless ‘what if’ monkey can leave you feeling drained. It’s like your brain’s buzzing on too much strong coffee. Remember, those stormy thoughts need a chance to quiet down. Eating healthy food (think of it as fuel for your thinking!), getting enough sleep, even a quick walk outside – all of this helps bring your mind and body back in sync.

And sometimes, you need to just do something purely for fun: blast your favorite music, watch a silly movie, whatever makes you laugh and forget the worries for a while.

Asking for Help: Your Support Team

Imagine…Even with all the tricks and tools, sometimes the ‘what if’ monkey refuses to be tamed. That’s when it’s time to call in reinforcements. Therapists are like worry trainers: they know techniques to get that overthinking under control.

If those swirling thoughts are getting in the way of living your life, there’s no shame in reaching out for help. You wouldn’t tough out a broken leg on your own, and taking care of your mind is just as important.

Important Note: This article is designed to offer helpful ways, not replace professional advice. If overthinking is disrupting your life, seeking guidance from a mental health expert is the best way to find lasting solutions.

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