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Tea taster – Passion Profession!


Recommended for Preparatory Grades

Tea, being so popular across the world, has many interesting jobs associated with it. Being a tea taster is one such job. 

A tea taster is a person who tastes different teas and identifies the difference in taste and quality. They also give expert advice on how to brew tea to achieve a particular taste.

Key facts about Tea taster!

  • Tea tasting is an art which involves hours of sipping, grading and blending various flavours.
  • Since India is one of the largest producers and dealers of tea globally, there are a lot of career opportunities across India related to tea.
  • China is the largest producer and dealer of tea in the world.
  • In India, certificate courses on Tea Tasting and Management are available at tea institutes.
  • The Indian Institute of Plantation Management, Dipras Institute of Professional Studies and Birla Institute of Futuristic Studies are some of the tea institutes in India.
  • The Tea Board of India also recruits candidates for posts such as tea taster, researcher, plantation manager, tea broker and consultant.
  • It is described as “the best job in the country, but one that few know exists”.

Youtube user “Food Unwrapped” shares what does it like to be a professional tea taster.

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