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Image depicting Planets: A season on Uranus could last 21 years!

Planets: A season on Uranus could last 21 years!


Recommended for Exploration

We have read briefly about the weather on other planets. Today, let’s find out a little more about the planet, Uranus.

Uranus got its name from the father of the Roman god, Saturn. It was discovered by British astronomer, William Herschel in 1781.

The planet Uranus is one of the ice giants in our solar system. It is the third-largest planet and the fourth in mass. The hot fluid of “icy” materials including water, methane, and ammonia forms 80% of the dense mass of Uranus.

Key facts about Uranus!

  • The inside of Uranus has two layers which are the core and a mantle.
  • Scientists think that the core is mostly rocky and icy.
  • The mantle is around 13.3 times the mass of the Earth.
  • Uranus, like Earth, has four seasons. But the seasons on Earth and Uranus are very different, especially the length.
  • It takes Earth 365 days to orbit around the Sun.
  • But Uranus takes about 84 Earth-years! So, each season on Uranus lasts 21 Earth-years.
  • Uranus, like Earth, has a nearly circular orbit. So, it remains at the same distance from the Sun throughout its long year.
  • Uranus’ seasons are due to the tilt on its axis, similar to Earth.
  • But the tilts of our planets are very different.
  • While Earth orbits nearly upright, Uranus is lying down nearly sideways during its orbit around the Sun.

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Watch a video

Do check out this informative video on Uranus by National Geographic.

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