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Image depicting PM Modi Dedicates Yashobhoomi to Nation

PM Modi Dedicates Yashobhoomi to Nation


Recommended for Preparatory Grades

The Magical Day at Yashobhoomi

Sakshi and Arjun were best friends who lived in the heart of New Delhi. They were excited because their school had planned a field trip to Yashobhoomi, the new and monumental convention and exhibition center in the city. Their parents had already told them that the place was built at a cost of about Rs. 5400 crore, which was hard for them to even imagine. “It’s like building a castle made of gold!” Arjun said. Sakshi nodded, her eyes wide with wonder.

But what made this day extra special was PM Modi himself would be inaugurating Phase 1 of Yashobhoomi. Sakshi and Arjun could barely contain their excitement. They had seen PM Modi on TV, heard about him in school discussions, and now they were going to be in the same place as him!

“Remember, we have to take the Delhi Airport Metro Express line,” Sakshi reminded her friend. Arjun was amazed by the speed of the Metro. “This train is faster than a race car!” he exclaimed as they zoomed through the tunnels. When they arrived at the newly inaugurated metro station—Yashobhoomi Dwarka Sector 25—they could hardly believe their eyes. The station was so clean and modern, it looked like a scene from a science fiction movie. “It’s as if we’re stepping into the future,” Sakshi said.

A Grand Welcome

The awe continued as they walked out of the metro station. The floors of Yashobhoomi were decorated with intricate patterns that reminded them of rangoli during Diwali, but this was like rangoli of the future, inlaid in brass! The walls were adorned with patterned designs that lit up as if by magic. “It’s like walking inside a rainbow,” Arjun murmured. Sakshi agreed, “I feel like a princess in a palace.”

Meeting the Teacher and Friends

Their class had gathered at a designated meeting point. Ms. Meena, their teacher, was busy counting heads to make sure everyone was present. “Welcome, children, to Yashobhoomi,” she said, her voice tinged with pride and excitement. “Today, you’re part of history. PM Modi will be here, and we’ll get to see him inaugurate this magnificent place.”

The friends looked at each other, their eyes wide with anticipation. To be in the same building as PM Modi, to hear him speak, was like a dream come true. “This is going to be the best day ever,” Sakshi whispered to Arjun, who nodded, his face glowing with expectation.

Ms. Meena led the class through the grand foyer, which looked like a giant treasure chest. Everything was so huge, even the smallest exhibition hall could fit their entire school. “It’s not just an exhibition hall, it’s like a magical maze,” Arjun said, looking around with wonder. Sakshi marveled at the copper ceiling that let sunlight filter through, making it feel like they were walking under a golden sky.

The teacher explained how Yashobhoomi had exhibition halls built across over 1.07 lakh square meters. “That’s as big as 15 football fields!” Arjun calculated quickly. His eyes met Sakshi’s, and they both knew that this was the beginning of a magical, unforgettable day.

Thus, Chapter 1 of their field trip to Yashobhoomi was nothing short of enchanting. Sakshi and Arjun felt as though they had stepped into a new world—a world that was grand, beautiful, and filled with endless possibilities. And this was just the beginning.

Exploring the Wonder of Yashobhoomi

“Can you imagine, this place can hold more than 11,000 people!” Sakshi said, reading the information board as they entered the grand convention center. “That’s like our whole school coming here twenty times,” Arjun calculated, his eyes widening at the thought.

The convention center was a marvel. It had 15 different rooms for various events, a grand ballroom, and even 13 meeting rooms spread across eight floors. “I feel like I’m in a movie,” Arjun said, staring at the wooden floors and the acoustic wall panels that made everything sound so clear.

Next, they visited the exhibition halls. “It’s as big as a cricket stadium!” Sakshi exclaimed. “You can play ten matches at the same time and still have room for more.”

Their teacher explained how these halls would be used for trade fairs, exhibitions, and even international events. “So, this is where all the business people come to make deals?” Arjun asked. “Yes,” said their teacher, “it’s like a big playground but for adults.”

Just then, their teacher announced a small competition. “Whoever can tell a joke that makes everyone laugh will get a small prize,” she said. Sakshi thought for a moment and said, “Why did the pyaj (that’s Hindi for onion) cry?”

“Why?” everyone asked, curious and already giggling a bit.

“Because it couldn’t keep its layers together!” Everyone burst into laughter, and Sakshi won a small Yashobhoomi keychain as a prize.

PM Modi’s Magical Words

The most awaited moment finally arrived. They were in the grand auditorium, waiting for PM Modi to speak. The seats could transform from flat floors to tiered auditorium style. “That’s like magic!” Sakshi whispered to Arjun.

When PM Modi came onto the stage, the room went silent. “Dream big, like how Yashobhoomi dreams of becoming the world’s best,” he said. His words were so moving that even the teachers seemed touched.

“Remember, children, the building around you was once someone’s dream. Now it’s reality, thanks to the hard work of many people. You can also make your dreams come true with hard work,” PM Modi continued.

Sakshi and Arjun exchanged glances. Both felt a new sense of purpose and inspiration.

As they were about to leave, they learned about Yashobhoomi’s commitment to sustainability. “The building has a wastewater treatment system and even rainwater harvesting,” their teacher informed.

“That means the building drinks its own filtered water, just like how we have a water purifier at home!” Arjun exclaimed. “Exactly,” the teacher smiled.

Before exiting, they made a quick stop at the grand foyer. It was unlike anything they had seen before, with a copper ceiling and skylights filtering light into the space. “I feel like I’m inside a giant, shiny jewel box,” Sakshi said, marveling at the design.

Arjun nodded, “Yeah, and I think today, we found some real gems too. Like the gift of inspiration from PM Modi, and these incredible memories we’ve made.”

With that, they left the convention center, their hearts full and their spirits lifted, knowing that this was a day they would cherish forever.

The Unforgettable Goodbye

As the field trip neared its end, their teacher gathered them near the grand foyer, with its copper ceiling filtering light through skylights. It felt magical, almost as if the building itself was saying goodbye.

Then their teacher surprised them. She had a bag full of small notebooks, each one wrapped delicately. “I have a small gift for each of you,” she said as she handed them out. The notebooks had the Yashobhoomi logo imprinted on the cover, and the first page carried the inspiring words from PM Modi’s speech: “Dream big.”

“For your big dreams,” she said warmly, “because today is all about new beginnings, and I know each of you has the potential to make your dreams a reality.”

Sakshi and Arjun opened their notebooks and felt a rush of excitement. It was as if the notebook was a blank canvas for their dreams, a first step towards making them come true.

Reflecting on the Day

As they walked towards the Metro station, both were a bit quieter than usual, lost in thought. “Today felt like a mini-adventure, didn’t it?” Sakshi finally broke the silence.

“Yeah, it really did,” Arjun agreed. “You know, PM Modi talked about dreaming big, but today showed us where those dreams could be realized. I mean, if they could build something as grand as Yashobhoomi, we can surely follow our dreams, right?”

“Absolutely,” Sakshi nodded, feeling grateful for the entire experience and more motivated than ever.

The Sweetest Farewell

Boarding the Metro, they found seats next to each other. “This was the best day ever. We learned so much, heard PM Modi, and I got to spend it all with my best friend,” Arjun reflected, looking sincerely at Sakshi.

She smiled back, “Yes, and now we also have a place where we can aim to achieve big things. Yashobhoomi doesn’t just mean ‘Land of Fame.’ To me, it now means a land where dreams can come true. And I know that we both will accomplish something amazing one day.”

As the Metro sped towards their home station, they looked out of the window, seeing the twinkling city lights blur past them. Sakshi and Arjun felt as though they had touched a piece of the future, and it was dazzlingly bright. Both kids were wrapped up in a sense of wonder and potential, excited for the new chapters that awaited them in their lives.

The train came to a stop. They stepped off, each holding their special Yashobhoomi notebook close to their hearts. They said their goodbyes but knew that this wasn’t really a goodbye. It was a ‘see you later’—later, when their dreams would have grown bigger, and perhaps even come true, at least in part because of this unforgettable day.

The Metro doors closed, and as the train zoomed away, both Sakshi and Arjun felt an overwhelming sense of gratitude. They couldn’t wait to visit Yashobhoomi again, and neither could their dreams, which now seemed more possible than ever.

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