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Image depicting Prime Minister Celebrates 'Mann Ki Baat' Milestone!

Prime Minister Celebrates ‘Mann Ki Baat’ Milestone!


Recommended for Preparatory Grades

Hello, inquisitive reader! Guess what? The Prime Minister, Mr. Narendra Modi, went on a super cool adventure recently! He visited an exhibition all about something called “Mann Ki Baat.” Now, you might be wondering, what in the world is that?

Well, “Mann Ki Baat” is a special radio program where Mr. Modi talks with people about important things happening in our society. It’s like having a big chat with the whole country! And guess what? It completed 100 episodes, which is a pretty big deal!

Important Details

  • To celebrate this milestone, there was an amazing exhibition called “Jana Shakti: A Collective Power.” It was held at the National Gallery of Modern Art in the capital city. Can you imagine walking through an exhibition with the Prime Minister? That would be so cool!
  • The exhibition featured incredible artworks by famous artists like Madhavi Parekh, Manu Parekh, Atul Dodiya, and many more. These artists were inspired by the themes discussed in “Mann Ki Baat” and created beautiful masterpieces. Each artwork represented different topics like water conservation, women’s empowerment, and even Covid awareness!
  • When Mr. Modi visited the exhibition, he got a special tour from the artists themselves. They explained their artworks and the ideas behind them. How awesome would it be to have a personal tour guide like that?
  • After exploring all the incredible art, the Prime Minister signed the exhibition catalog and wrote a message. It said, “Mann Mandir ki Yatra Sukhad ho,” which means “Let the mind’s journey be happy.” Isn’t that a wonderful message?
  • To make this celebration even more exciting, they created comic books and a radio series based on “Mann Ki Baat.” They even used special technology to project amazing visuals on historical sites like the Red Fort and the Konark Sun Temple.
  • So, my curious friend, isn’t it amazing to see how art and communication can come together to create something truly special? The exhibition showcased the power of people coming together and sharing their thoughts and ideas. Who knows, maybe someday your thoughts and ideas will inspire others too!

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