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Rajnikanth’s movie Darbar is doing wonders!


Recommended for Preparatory Grades

Guess what, kids? The amazing Tamil Superstar Rajnikanth is famous for making totally awesome and mind-blowing movies! His newest movie, Darbar, had a super-duper opening, even though it had to compete with two big Bollywood movies (Chaapaak & Tanhaji). Talk about a movie showdown!”

Darbar Dominates!

  • Darbar is a really cool movie from India. It came out in 2020 and is all about action and excitement. The director is AR Murugadoss, and it stars famous actors like Suneil Shetty, Nivetha Thomas, and the amazing superstar Rajnikanth.
  • The story is about a police officer who wants to stop bad guys who are selling drugs. It’s a tough mission, but our hero is ready for the challenge! Rajnikanth is loved by people all around the world, and his fans are super excited about this movie.
  • People in the southern states of India and even in the northern states love this film. It’s not just a hit in India, but it’s also doing really well in Australia and the US. Lots of people are going to the theaters to see it, and they’re enjoying every minute.
  • Rajnikanth’s fans are going crazy for this movie! They’re showing their love on social media by writing lots of comments and reviews. It’s really fun to see how much people adore their superstar.
  • Darbar is so popular that it’s going to be the biggest movie in the southern part of India. That means it’s going to make lots of money and be a big success.
  • What do you think? Are you excited to watch this movie? Let us know by sending an email to We would love to hear your thoughts!”

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