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Get Ready for ‘The Kerala Story’ Movie Magic!


Recommended for Middle Grades

“The Kerala Story” is a thought-provoking film that explores a serious issue, capturing our attention from the start. Adah Sharma delivers a remarkable performance as Shalini! A girl in a dangerous situation, being influenced by bad people and taken away from her family.

Her portrayal is filled with emotion, allowing us to connect deeply with her character. The beautiful sights of Kerala are like a stunning picture, showing how different it is from the roughness of Afghanistan.

Mixed Impressions

  • Wow, Director Sudipto Sen is on a mission to show how innocent girls are tricked into doing bad things! That’s really cool and impressive! But hey, you know what? The movie could’ve been a bit sneakier in some parts. Sometimes, it seemed like they were trying to pick fights and make us all cry on purpose! That kind of overshadowed what they were really trying to say. It would’ve been nicer if they showed all sides of the story and different opinions, so we could understand and care about each other better.
  • Even with all those worries, “The Kerala Story” actually manages to make us aware of a super serious problem! The movie makes us think about how tricky it is when people get radicalized and taken advantage of. It shows us just how dangerous it is to fall for crazy ideas and how we need to use our brains and think really hard about stuff!
  • This movie rocks because it shows how Shalini and her friends face crazy challenges for real! They teach us that love, thinking smart, and not giving in to brainwashing are superpowers. And guess what? Adah Sharma totally nails it with her acting skills, especially by speaking Hindi with a cool Malayali accent. It’s like she’s the real deal!
  • Well, the movie tries to ask some important questions, but it kinda fails to give us the whole picture about why things are happening. It would’ve been nice if they looked into all the complicated stuff about how extremist groups come to be and what makes them grow. Instead, they only stick to the main story and miss out on exploring these really interesting parts.
  • “The Kerala Story” is a super nice movie that talks about an important topic. It makes us think about how people can change in crazy ways and why it’s so important to be nice and understanding. The movie could have been even more awesome in some parts, but Adah Sharma’s acting is totally mind-blowing and the movie looks super awesome too! So, if you’re up for a fun and thought-provoking time, go ahead and check it out!

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