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Image depicting Reimagine water with new ice!

Reimagine water with new ice!


Recommended for Preparatory Grades

Hey there, young scientists! We’ve got some mind-blowing news for you! Brace yourselves because scientists have made an epic discovery that could totally revolutionize the way we think about water. Are you ready? Here it is: they’ve found a new form of ice! Yup, you heard it right!

Now, hold onto your beakers because I’m about to drop some seriously cool details. These brilliant scientists managed to stumble upon this incredible ice by doing something super fun—shaking regular frozen water around in a jar filled with ultra-cold steel balls. Talk about an icy dance party!

So, what’s so special about this new ice, you ask? Well, it’s closer to liquid water than any other type of ice ever discovered. They even gave it a fancy name—amorphous ice. The reason it’s so unique is that its atoms are all jumbled up, unlike any other ice you’ll find naturally on our good ol’ Earth.

Important Details

  • This amorphous ice can have different densities. Sometimes it’s as light as 0.94 grams per cubic centimeter, and other times it gets as heavy as 1.13 grams per cubic centimeter. But guess what? The density of this mind-blowing ice they found measures at 1.06 grams per cubic centimeter, which is incredibly close to the density of water itself! Water density is around 1 gram per cubic centimeter—almost like they’re secret twins or something!
  • Wait, it gets even crazier! This new ice is officially called MDA ice, short for medium-density amorphous ice. Researchers discovered that MDA ice has a super high value when it comes to surface tension and boiling points compared to other liquids. And get this, usually when liquids freeze, their density goes up, but MDA ice is the ultimate rebel—it goes against the flow and actually gets less dense when it freezes!
  • According to these science geniuses, MDA ice might just be a “glassy” state of liquid water. To uncover its secrets, they did a bunch of experiments, like compressing it and then slowly heating it up. And guess what they found? A mind-blowing release of energy! This suggests that MDA ice might be involved in cool activities on icy moons like Jupiter’s.
  • So, there you have it, little scientists! This amazing new ice could change everything we thought we knew about water. Who knows what other surprises the world of science has in store for us? Keep your curious minds ready, and remember, science is always full of surprises and wonders!

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