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Safer TikTok in Europe Now!


Recommended for Preparatory Grades

Hey, my ever-curious companion! Guess what? TikTok, that super cool app where you can watch fun videos, just made some big changes!  These changes are important because they have to follow strict rules set by the EU (that’s a bunch of countries in Europe working together).

So, why are these changes a big deal? Well, the EU wants big internet companies like TikTok to take better care of our privacy, safety, and make sure they show us good stuff. The new rules are about data privacy (that means keeping our information safe), protecting kids, stopping fake news, and being kind to each other online.

TikTok’s European Evolution!

  • Now, the EU told TikTok they had to follow these new rules, and TikTok said, “Alright, we’ll do it!” They promised to let European users turn off a feature that shows videos based on what they like to watch. You know how sometimes you can’t stop watching cute animal videos? Well, now you can turn off that “For You” feed that keeps showing you videos based on your interests.
  • Instead, you can see popular videos from all over the world and even from the places where you live. How cool is that? TikTok wants to make sure you see all sorts of fun and interesting stuff, not just the same things all the time.
  • TikTok is super popular with lots of people, especially kids like you. It has over a billion users! But some grown-ups worry about it because its owner, ByteDance, is from China. But TikTok says they’re their own boss and not under China’s control.
  • Anyway, TikTok wants to do even more to follow the EU’s rules. They’ll make it easier for you to report any bad stuff you see, and they won’t show ads that try to target kids like you. Oh, and if they ever take down a video, they promise to tell you why.
  • TikTok said they won’t just follow the rules; they want to be even better and come up with new and cool ideas to keep everyone safe and happy on their app.
  • So, there you have it, buddy! TikTok is changing to make sure you have a great time watching videos while staying safe and protected. Enjoy the app and have fun! And remember, always be kind to others online. That’s the coolest thing you can do!

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