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Sarah Thomas sets a new world record in swimming across English Channel


Recommended for Foundational Grades

Hey there, our school friend! Get ready to be amazed by an incredible story of determination and strength. Let us introduce you to Sarah Thomas, a 37-year-old American woman who has accomplished something truly extraordinary. Brace yourself!

Sarah Thomas did the unthinkable. She swam across the English Channel not just once, not twice, but a mind-blowing four times in a row! Can you believe it? It’s like swimming to France and back, and then doing it all over again… four times! That’s like swimming for days!

What makes Sarah’s achievement even more remarkable is that she is a cancer survivor. Just last year, she finished her treatment, and now she’s breaking world records. Talk about defying the odds! Sarah is a true inspiration for anyone facing challenges in life.

Important Details

  • So, let’s dive into the important details, shall we? The English Channel is a stretch of water that separates England from France. It’s like a giant swimming pool with waves and currents. Sarah began her epic swim on September 15th, a Sunday, and didn’t stop until September 17th, a Tuesday. Can you imagine swimming for 54 hours straight? That’s longer than a whole weekend!
  • Now, here’s the crazy part. Normally, swimming across the Channel once is around 130 kilometers, but due to those sneaky tides, Sarah swam an astonishing 210 kilometers! That’s like swimming from your school to the nearest amusement park and back, and then repeating it over and over again.
  • And get this, during her marathon swim, Sarah only drank a special protein mixed drink with caffeine and electrolytes. No burgers, no fries, just a super fuel for her incredible adventure.
  • But wait, there’s more. Not even a jellyfish could stop Sarah. Can you believe it? One of those squishy creatures stung her right in the face, and she just kept on swimming. She’s like a real-life superhero!
  • Before Sarah’s remarkable feat, only four people had swum across the Channel three times without stopping. But she didn’t settle for that. She went above and beyond, setting a new world record by swimming it four times.
  • It’s not just about setting records, though. Sarah had a meaningful purpose behind her incredible journey. She wanted to raise awareness for breast cancer, a cause close to her heart. Her determination and strength remind us that anything is possible when we put our minds to it.
  • So, my friend, let’s take a moment to be inspired by Sarah Thomas, the unstoppable swimmer from Colorado, USA. Her incredible journey teaches us that even in the face of adversity, we can achieve the unimaginable. Keep dreaming big, and who knows? Maybe one day, you’ll make waves in your own extraordinary way.

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