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Saudi Astronauts Rocket to Space Adventure!


Recommended for Preparatory Grades

Hey there, young explorer! Exciting news from outer space! Saudi astronauts have blasted off towards the International Space Station (ISS) and they are doing some incredible things up there. Let’s dive into the details!

The team consists of two remarkable astronauts: Rayyanah Barnawi, Saudi Arabia’s first female astronaut, and her colleague Ali Al-Qarni. They boarded the Axiom Space 2 mission, which took off at 5:37 p.m. (EDT time). Alongside them are astronaut Peggy Whitson, who has spent a lot of time in space, and John Shoffner, a pioneer in the business world and a skilled pilot.

Before their epic journey, Rayyanah Barnawi, who is also a breast cancer researcher, expressed her excitement and honor in representing Saudi Arabia and the Saudi Space Commission. She mentioned how passionate she is about research and described this opportunity as a dream come true for everyone involved.

Important Details

  • Now, here comes the really cool part! During their eight-day stay on the ISS, the astronauts have planned to carry out a whopping 20 research projects! Isn’t that amazing? Fourteen of these projects were developed by Saudi scientists and cover a wide range of fascinating topics such as human physiology, cell biology, and technology development. They are going to explore new frontiers and gather important knowledge to benefit us all.
  • To reach the ISS, they rode a powerful SpaceX Falcon 9 rocket, which took off flawlessly. Safety is always a top priority, so there was also a backup plan. In case the launch didn’t go as planned, there was another opportunity scheduled for the following day at 5:14 p.m. They wanted to make sure nothing stood in the way of their mission.
  • Here’s a little fun fact: Did you know that back in 1985, Saudi Arabia’s first astronaut, Prince Sultan bin Salman, also took off from the same launch spot? It’s incredible to see how far space exploration has come since then!
  • Prior to liftoff, Astronaut Ali Al-Qarni took to his Twitter account to unveil several images showcasing the items within his space travel bag. Imagine what kind of essentials they need to take with them for such an extraordinary journey!
  • Now, my young friend, let’s leave you with a couple of proverbs related to space:
    • “Shoot for the moon. Even if you miss, you’ll land among the stars.” This means it’s important to set high goals for yourself and give your best effort. Even if you don’t achieve your exact goal, you’ll still accomplish amazing things.
    • “The sky is not the limit; your imagination is.” This proverb reminds us that there are no limits to what we can achieve and dream of. Our imagination can take us to incredible places, just like these brave astronauts exploring the vastness of space.
  • So keep dreaming big, our little adventurers, and who knows, maybe one day you’ll be soaring among the stars too!

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