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Image depicting Scientists uncover a "super-Earth" with no atmosphere!

Scientists uncover a “super-Earth” with no atmosphere!


Recommended for Middle Grades

A group of scientists used the Spitzer Space Telescope to measure the super-infrared Earth’s emissions as it went through a second eclipse.

A second eclipse happens when a planet goes into an eclipse behind its parent star.

Astronomers have been interested in the universe for thousands of years because it is so big, interesting, and hard to understand. It’s a place that has really gotten their attention. Humanity has never stopped wondering if we are the only intelligent creatures in the whole universe.

Since we started looking for life outside of our solar system, not even a century ago, we have already found many planets in the galaxy that are similar to Earth. One of these planets, GJ 1252 b, has been called a “super-Earth” because its surface is so hot that it could melt gold.

Key facts!

  • Recent research has shown that the Earth-like rocky exoplanet GJ 1252 b may not have an atmosphere because it is so scorchingly hot during the daytime.
  • The research was conducted with the now-defunct Spitzer Space Telescope to measure the super-infrared Earth’s radiation as it entered a secondary eclipse.
  • According to NASA, the team discovered that GJ 1252 b’s dayside temperatures were at a scorching 1,228 degrees Celsius.
  • The extremely high temperatures and low surface pressure lead the team of astronomers to forecast that GJ 1252 b probably does not have any atmosphere at all.
  • As a result of these discoveries, this is the smallest exoplanet for which scientists have such a precise picture of its atmosphere.
  • GJ 1252 b is a rocky, terrestrial exoplanet that was discovered in the year 2020.
  • It has a radius that is 1.18 times larger than the Earth’s, and it is located 65 light-years away from the blue planet.
  • In its system, it is much closer to its star than the Earth is to the sun “always looks in the direction of its star.
  • This location is to blame for the ever-increasing temperatures that have been seen on the exoplanet.

Youtube User “National Geographic” shares all there is to know about Exoplanets.

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