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Ship’s noise endangers aquatic life!


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Did you know that the noise made by ships underwater can cause harm to marine animals? A study was conducted to understand how these loud noises affect our underwater friends.

Underwater Threat: Ships & Marine Life

  • The study, titled “Measuring Underwater Noise Levels Radiated by Ships in Indian Waters,” took place at the Visakhapatnam Port and the Mormugao port in Goa. It found that the increasing noise from ships in the Indian seas is putting the lives of marine mammals at risk.

  • Marine animals rely on sound for many important things. They get their energy from sound, which allows them to do various activities like mating, interacting with their community, feeding, staying together in a group, and searching for food. But when ships make loud noises for a long time, it affects these animals.

  • The noise can cause internal injuries and even lead to loss of hearing. It changes their behavior too, making them hide and feel stressed. The frequencies of the sounds that marine animals use to communicate can overlap with the frequencies of ships’ noise and vibrations, making it harder for them to hear each other. This is called “masking.”

  • Scientists believe that these changes in noise and behavior may also be causing marine species to alter their migration routes. They may be forced to move to areas with less water, which makes it difficult for them to find their way back to deeper waters.

  • The study shows that underwater noise pollution caused by ships poses a risk to marine animals. It can lead to injuries, changes in behavior, and even death. It’s important for us to understand the impact of our actions on the marine environment and work towards reducing noise pollution to protect our underwater friends. Let’s remember to be mindful of the sounds we make and the effect they can have on the amazing creatures that call the ocean their home.

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Watch a video

Dive into the Deep: Exploring Underwater Noise and its Impact! Watch the fascinating YouTube video from the Museum für Naturkunde Berlin as it delves into the causes, effects, and exciting solutions to tackle this aquatic symphony!

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