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Image depicting space robotic MEV -2 that catches old satellite in space

Space robotics – A spacecraft catches satellite in space to extend its life


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Space robotics includes unmanned spacecrafts and are very useful in the understanding of space. Similarly, satellites are also very useful for us in many ways – they transmit TV signals, help us use the internet and even predict the weather. However, like all gadgets, even satellites get old and need to retire.

However, now, satellites could work for longer thanks to new technology. This is being tested by spacecraft company Northrop Grumman.

On 12 April, a robotic spacecraft, sent by Northrop Grumman just grabbed hold of another, older satellite to help it “live longer”.

This space robotics or satellite servicing spacecraft, is called Mission Extension Vehicle 2 (MEV-2). MEV-2 is a robotic spacecraft designed to attach itself to ageing satellites to help extend their operations in space. It was launched in August 2020 and now, has attached itself to the satellite.

The old satellite is called Intelsat 10-02. It relays TV signals and other telecoms services. But it has been in space since 2004 and is getting very low on fuel. So, it would have had to stop working soon.

Now, MEV-2 will help Intelsat 10-02 run correctly for 5 more years and then remove it safely. Then, MEV-2 will remove itself from the old satellite and attach itself to the next satellite that needs its services.

Earth’s orbit has many satellites that no longer work (space debris). De-orbiting them is an important issue that space agencies and companies are working on. This new project by Northrop Grumman could be a solution.

Watch a video of MEV-2’s operation:

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