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Image depicting spacecraft as NASA will send new space toilet to ISS

Space toilet to be sent by NASA to the ISS


Recommended for Middle Grades

NASA is all set to send a new space toilet to the International Space Station (ISS). Astronauts on the ISS will test out the toilet before it will be used for longer missions (like to the Moon).

The upgraded space toilet will be delivered by Northrop Grumman’s new Cygnus cargo spacecraft called the S.S. Kalpana Chwala on 3 October.

What are the features of this new toilet?

  • A few days back we discussed how oxygen and water are made in the ISS and the waste management processes.
  • The new space toilet is called the Universal Waste Management System (UWMS).
  • It is the first of two that is being sent to space.
  • The UWMS is 65% smaller and 40% lighter than the current space station toilet.
  • It is more comfortable and can also be used by more people.
  • It is said to have cost US$23 million to create the new toilet.
  • Apart from the new toilet, the S.S. Kalpana Chawla will also deliver other items.
  • They include skincare products from luxury brand Estée Lauder as well as some scientific experiments.
  • NASA is sending a radish-growing experiment known as Plant Habitat-02.
  • It is also sending a new camera that will capture what it’s like to be aboard the ISS in 360-degree virtual reality.
  • Astronauts Chris Cassidy and Ivan Vagner will be on standby at the ISS to receive the cargo.

Related Articles!

Here is a video of the toilets on the ISS:

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