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Super Solar Party in Space!


Recommended for Preparatory Grades

Hey there, space enthusiasts! Brace yourselves for some out-of-this-world news as we journey to the International Space Station (ISS), where two incredible NASA astronauts just pulled off a mind-boggling feat.

Meet Stephen Bowen and Warren “Woody” Hoburg, the dynamic duo on the ISS’s Expedition 69 mission. These space heroes embarked on an epic mission to upgrade the station’s power supply. Armed with their spacesuits and a dash of astronaut swag, they set out on a spacewalk to deploy the fifth roll-out solar array. It’s like upgrading your home’s energy source, but on a cosmic scale!

Bright and early, Bowen and Hoburg suited up and ventured into the great unknown. First things first, they split up, like two interstellar buddies with their own agendas. Bowen made his way to the International Space Station Roll-Out Solar Array (iROSA) while Hoburg played with a robotic arm, controlled by Emirati astronaut Sultan AlNeyadi. It’s like a high-tech space dance!

Important Details

  • With the iROSA in hand, Hoburg embarked on a cosmic journey to the starboard side of the station’s backbone truss. Imagine carrying a 750-pound (340 kilograms) solar array in zero gravity—talk about an intense workout! Meanwhile, Bowen joined the party and helped with the delicate installation process. They even waited for the space station to move into Earth’s shadow, as if they were throwing a surprise party for the sun. It turns out solar arrays don’t generate electricity in the dark, who knew?

  • After some technical tinkering and bolt-releasing shenanigans, the iROSA started to unfold like a colossal cosmic origami. It stretched out to a whopping 60 feet long by 20 feet wide (18.2 meters by 6 meters), overshadowing the original 1A array. Now that’s what we call solar power on steroids! Each new iROSA generates over 20 kilowatts of electricity, paving the way for a 30% increase in power production on the space station. Talk about going green in outer space!

  • These astronauts were so efficient that they even managed to squeeze in some “get aheads” for their next spacewalk. They released bolts, retrieved debris, and, in true cosmic fashion, ticked off tasks from their interstellar to-do list. It’s like completing your homework before recess—only a gazillion miles above Earth!

  • With their mission accomplished, Bowen and Hoburg gracefully floated back to the airlock. They bid farewell to the vacuum of space, leaving behind a trail of stardust and a legacy of cosmic awesomeness. Bow down to their spacewalk prowess!

  • This mind-blowing spacewalk marked Hoburg’s first cosmic adventure and Bowen’s ninth, earning him the prestigious title of fifth in the world for spending a whopping 60 hours and 22 minutes in the vacuum of space. They truly are the rockstars of the cosmos!

  • With each spacewalk, NASA continues to push the boundaries of exploration and expand our understanding of the universe. Stay tuned for more thrilling cosmic escapades and remember, the sky is not the limit—it’s just the beginning! Keep dreaming big and reaching for the stars. Until next time, space adventurers!

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