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T-Rex Lips Discovered!


Recommended for Preparatory Grades

Get ready to roar with laughter because we have some hilarious news about the T-Rex, the king of the dinosaurs! For a long time, scientists were unsure if T-Rex had lips.

Can you imagine a giant dinosaur without lips? Well, recently, new research has given us some answers, and the results might surprise you!

Important Details

  • The researchers used CT scans of T-Rex skulls to study the bones and teeth. They also looked at the teeth of modern-day crocodiles and birds to compare them to the T-Rex teeth. It’s like a dental examination for dinosaurs! And you thought going to the dentist was scary.
  • Guess what? T-Rex did have lips, but they were different from the lips of modern-day animals. They were made of tough and scaly skin, which helped protect their teeth and gums. It’s like having a built-in shield for your mouth! How cool is that?
  • But wait, there’s more! The researchers also discovered that T-Rex had a powerful bite, but it wasn’t as strong as previously thought. In other words, the T-Rex teeth were still very sharp and could easily tear through flesh, but they weren’t as strong as a crocodile’s bite. This means that T-Rex probably didn’t crunch through bones as we thought, but instead relied on its sharp teeth to take down prey. So much for T-Rex being the ultimate bone crusher!
  • Overall, this new research has given us some answers about T-Rex and its lips. It turns out that T-Rex had tough and scaly lips and relied on its sharp teeth to hunt, not its bite strength. Who knew that a giant dinosaur’s lips could be so fascinating? This new information helps us better understand this giant creature and how it survived in the prehistoric world. So, the next time you see a T-Rex in a movie or a book, you can impress your friends with your knowledge about its lips.

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