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Teacher spreads joy through magical Kabir songs!


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Once upon a time, there was a retired schoolteacher named Prahlad Singh Tipanya. He came from a small village called Luniyakhedi. But now, he has become a traveling artist. He goes on satsang journeys to share the songs of the mystic-poet Kabir. And guess what? People love his performances! No matter their age, language, gender, or faith, everyone enjoys his music.

Prahlad Singh Tipanya belongs to a long tradition of Malwa folk singers. They sing Kabir’s couplets in “bhajan mandlis.” These are like groups of people who come together to sing and enjoy spiritual music.

During his recent visit to a city, Prahlad Singh Tipanya performed bhajans (devotional songs) at different places. He even brought his grandson, Himanshu Tipanya, who played the dholak, a traditional Indian drum. Together, they sang Kabir’s dohas (couplets) in a rustic style.

Kabir’s Melody: Uniting Souls

  • Prahlad Singh Tipanya is a very respected artist. He has received the Padma Shri award and the Sangeet Natak Akademi Award for his wonderful work. He has a unique way of conveying the essence of Kabir’s couplets. These couplets have deep spiritual meaning and also talk about society and its problems. For example, one of his bhajans called “Nirbhay Nirgun Gun Re” talks about the journey to find truth within ourselves.
  • Kabir’s words are not just ordinary words. They have a deeper meaning that goes beyond their literal sense. Prahlad Singh Tipanya spends a lot of time explaining the higher meaning behind Kabir’s verses. He talks about how Kabir believed that Ram and Rahim belong to all of humanity. Also, we should look within ourselves to find the real truth. These themes come up again and again in his sessions.
  • Prahlad Singh Tipanya believes that Kabir’s teachings are even more important today. This is because our society is divided by caste and creed. He thinks that Kabir’s couplets can guide us to become better human beings. They can teach us to be devoted, to surrender selflessly, and to focus on what really matters in life. It’s like a self-help guide for everyone!
  • When Prahlad Singh Tipanya shares Kabir’s music, it’s not just a show or a concert. It’s an experience of harmony and togetherness. People feel a sense of truth, or “sat,” in those moments. You don’t even have to know Hindi to appreciate and be moved by the music and the message.
  • So, my young friend, Prahlad Singh Tipanya is on a mission to spread the wonderful teachings of Kabir through his folk singing. He wants everyone to feel connected and united through the power of music. And who knows, maybe one day you’ll get to hear him perform too and join in the fun!

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