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The Emotions of Plants!


Recommended for Preparatory Grades

Plants, those steadfast companions that paint our world green, hold a secret more profound than the deepest roots. They don’t just grow and bloom – they feel! It was a wise scientist, Jagadish Chandra Bose, who became a bridge between our world and theirs, revealing the hidden wonders of the plant kingdom.

The Whispering World of Plants

Imagine! Long ago, in the heart of vibrant Bangladesh, where whispers of ancient wisdom mingle with the song of the monsoon, lived a brilliant man named Jagadish Chandra Bose. Driven by a deep curiosity, he sought to unravel the mysteries of the plant kingdom, using the tools of science as his guiding light.

With ingenuity and reverence, Bose crafted a wondrous instrument, the crescograph. This marvel of engineering could magnify the subtle growth of plants, revealing a world of movement hidden from the naked eye. And what did this symphony of motion unveil? Plants possess a network of specialized cells – not unlike our own nerves – that allow them to respond to their environment. Their leaves tremble in response to injury, their delicate forms dance towards the sun, and they flinch away from the harsh touch of toxins.

Bose, this gentle pioneer, discovered that those rooted beings were acutely attuned to the dance of sunlight, the changing moods of the weather, and even the toxic fumes that threatened their leafy kin. At first, his groundbreaking work was met with skepticism, challenging long-held beliefs about the boundaries between the plant and animal world.

But Bose, with his unwavering spirit, persevered. His work blossomed into a new field of study – plant physiology – reminding us that there is far more to the natural world than what we perceive with our limited senses. His explorations even echoed through time, becoming a seed that helped pave the way for the wireless wonders we use today!

So, let this be your guide: the next time you admire a rose or stand beneath the shade of a great oak, remember – you share an invisible bond. Their subtle sighs and shivers are echoes of our own, whispers of a shared language of sensation and response. They feel the kiss of rain and the sting of pollution, much as we do. Their world is ours, a vibrant tapestry where the lines between kingdoms blur and the wonders of life unfold unseen.

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