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The Festival of Hanukkah!


Recommended for Foundational Grades

Chag sameach or Happy Hanukkah!

Hanukkah is an important festival celebrated by Jewish people, the followers of Judaism. It is also known as Chanukah or the Festival of Lights.

Hanukkah usually falls in November or December every year. This year, Hanukkah is from 18 December to 26 December. The festival is observed by lighting the candles of a special candelabrum (candle stand) with nine branches, called a menorah. One special candle out of the 9 is called shamash.

Key facts!

  • The festival celebrates a miracle that occurred back in 165 BCE.
  • During this time, an army of Jewish people called the Maccabees had fought against their foreign rulers, the Syrian Greeks.
  • But after that, when they entered the Jewish holy Temple in Jerusalem, they found that the other gods had been put there.
  • So, they held a ceremony where they lit a lamp to purify the temple.
  • The lamp had enough oil only for one day, but it amazingly lasted for 8 days!
  • This is why the festival lasts for 8 days.
  • On every night of Hanukkah, 8 candles are lit with the shamash.
  • Other fun activities include playing the game of dreidel (a four-sided spinning top), eating traditional food and exchanging gifts.

Youtube user “Markian” moves in with a Jewish family to experience Hanukkah.

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