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Image depicting Harvard's second female president is Claudine Gay!

Harvard’s second female president is Claudine Gay!


Recommended for Secondary Grades

Harvard University has elected an African-American as its president. Dr Claudine Gay is currently a dean at the university. She is an expert on democracy. She will be the 30th president of Harvard University.

What is the Ivy League?

A group of prestigious universities in the eastern United States that have been around for a long time. Harvard, Yale, Princeton, and Columbia are all part of the Ivy League.

What is Harvard University?

Harvard University is a private research university in Massachusetts, United States.

In the year 2023, she will be the only black person to ever head one of the colleges or universities in the Ivy League.  In addition, she will be only the second black woman ever to do so.

Key facts!

  • Dr Claudine Gay is the daughter of Haitian immigrants who moved to the U.S.
  • She went to Stanford University in California and got her bachelor’s degree there in 1992.
  • Dr Gay won the Toppan Prize in 1998 for having the finest dissertation in the field of political science.
  • She got her PhD at Harvard University, where she went to school.
  • Most of Dr Gay’s research has been about how race and politics work in the United States.
  • More specifically, how social and economic factors affect political views and how people vote.
  • Gay also started the Inequality in America programme at Harvard University.
  • Everyone who knows her and has worked with her in the past has a lot of respect for her.
  • During her acceptance speech, Ms Gay pushed for more cooperation between Harvard’s different schools.
  • She also said that it was very important for the university to get more involved with the outside world.
  • Furthermore to think in a bold, brave, and innovative way about the biggest problems we face.

Claudine Gay speaks to us about this historic moment.

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