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image depicting This 'Brimato' plant produces both brinjals and tomatoes

This ‘Brimato’ plant produces both brinjals and tomatoes


Recommended for Middle Grades

What is a ‘Brimato’ plant? Let’s find out today!

Scientists at the Indian Institute of Vegetable Research (ICAR-IIVR) in Varanasi have successfully developed a technique to cultivate a ‘Brimato’ plant. And what is so special about this plant? It bears both brinjals and tomatoes!

The scientists said that each ‘Brimato’ plant can yield 3-4 kilograms of brinjals and 2-3 kilograms of tomatoes.

The ‘Brimato’ plant

The IIVR scientists developed the Brimato through dual or multiple grafting techniques. This is where two plants types of the same family are grafted (attached) together. Yes, tomatoes and brinjals are part of the same family – the nightshade family. The type of brinjal used in this experiment is called ‘Kashi Sandesh’, while the tomato is called ‘Kashi Aman’.

What is grafting?

Grafting is a technique used in growing plants in which tissues of different plants are joined so as to continue their growth together.

This Brimato plant will help people with small gardens, especially in cities to grow more vegetables. It can also help them save on labour, water and chemicals.

However, this kind of amazing scientific invention is not new for the scientists at IIVR. Earlier, they had successfully managed to grow a plant called ‘Pomato’. it yields both potatoes and tomatoes. Moreover, they are now also planning to develop other similar plants.

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