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Twin universe exists which runs backward in time


Recommended for Secondary Grades

Hey there, curious minds! We’ve got some mind-blowing news for you. Have you ever heard of an “anti-universe”? Well, according to a new theory, our universe might just have a twin called the anti-universe.

And guess what? In the anti-universe, time runs backward! Can you imagine that?

Anti-Universe: Time Reversal and Dark Matter!

  • So, let’s dig into this theory a bit more. This idea of an anti-universe could actually help us understand something called dark matter. Now, you might be wondering, what is dark matter? Well, it’s a mysterious form of matter that makes up a whopping 85% of the stuff in our universe. It’s like the hidden superhero of space!
  • Now, back to the symmetry of the universe. You see, it’s not just about the forces in the universe, but the entire universe itself. Scientists call this symmetry CPT symmetry, which stands for Charge, Party, Time. They say that in order to keep this symmetry in check, we need a mirror image of the universe. It’s like having a cosmic twin to keep things balanced!
  • But here’s where it gets really interesting. If we put our universe and its anti-universe twin together, they actually follow this CPT symmetry. This means that there must be invisible beings in the anti-universe that affect our universe through gravity. And these sneaky beings are what we call dark matter!
  • Let’s talk about neutrinos for a moment. Neutrinos are these tiny, neutral particles with almost no mass. They interact with regular matter, but they’re really hard to catch. There are three types of neutrinos: electron-neutrinos, muon-neutrinos, and tau-neutrinos. These three little guys are what we call left-handed, which means they spin in a particular way.
  • Now, here’s where it gets even cooler. If there’s an anti-universe, it would require at least one right-handed neutrino. It’s like having a right-handed version of those left-handed neutrinos we know. And guess what? Scientists have discovered that the conditions for CPT symmetry demand the existence of these right-handed neutrinos. And ta-da! That could explain dark matter!
  • But hold on a second. As fascinating as this all sounds, we might not be able to travel to our anti-universe twin. Why? Because it exists beyond time! So, for now, we’ll just have to keep our curiosity alive and wait for more information to unravel the mysteries of our twin universe.
  • Remember, my young friends, the universe is full of wonders, and there’s always more to learn. Stay curious, keep exploring, and who knows what amazing discoveries we’ll uncover next? Until then, let your imaginations soar!

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