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Image depicting Urban Sketching Takes Over Visakhapatnam!

Urban Sketching Takes Over Visakhapatnam!


Recommended for Art

Hey there, are you ready to embark on a journey to Visakhapatnam? Well, pack your pencils and sketchbooks because we’re going on an art adventure! Did you know that a group of talented artists, amateurs, and students in Visakhapatnam meet every weekend to paint together?

But it’s not just any ordinary painting, they’re practicing a global trend called “urban sketching.” This means that they’re drawing and painting the buildings and open spaces of the city, and it’s becoming a sensation all around the world.

Important Details

  • What’s so great about urban sketching, you ask? Well, it’s a wonderful way to capture the unique beauty of a city, and each artist adds their own personal touch to the artwork. Plus, it’s a fantastic way to meet new friends who share the same love of art.
  • And you know what? Visakhapatnam has recently joined this global phenomenon, which is super exciting! The artists there have even created a Facebook group called “Urban Sketchers Vizag” where they share their artwork and tips with each other.
  • Urban sketching isn’t just a fun hobby, it’s also an important way to preserve a city’s architecture and history. Each sketch or painting tells a story about the city and its people, and it’s a beautiful way to document the world around us.
  • So, if you’re in Visakhapatnam, grab your sketchbook and join the Urban Sketchers Vizag group to capture the city’s charm and beauty. And who knows, maybe you’ll even become the next big urban sketching sensation!

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Watch a video

Sketchbook Skool’s YouTube channel provides a brief tutorial on urban sketching.

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