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Joe Biden announces recipients of Presidential Medal of Freedom


Recommended for Middle Grades

Hey there! We’ve got some super cool news for you! The President of the United States, Joe Biden, has just announced a special award called the Presidential Medal of Freedom. It’s like the highest honor a regular person can get in the United States! How cool is that?
Now, the Presidential Medal of Freedom is given to people who have done amazing things to make America better or to help the world become a happier and safer place. It’s not just for famous people, but also for folks who have done great things in their own special way.
Guess what? The President has just shared a list of 17 incredible individuals who will be receiving this awesome award! Let’s dive in and learn about some of them!

Trailblazing Honorees: Presidential Medal of Freedom

  • First up, we have the late Steve Jobs. He was the big boss of Apple, the company that makes iPhones and iPads. He was a genius when it came to making cool gadgets that we all love to use.
  • Then there’s Denzel Washington, who is not only an amazing actor but also a super kind person. He has been helping boys and girls for more than 25 years as a national spokesman for the Boys and Girls Clubs of America. Oh, and he has won not one, but two Academy Awards for his outstanding acting skills!
  • Next, we have Megan Rapinoe, a soccer player who won a gold medal in the Olympics. She’s not just a fantastic athlete, but she also fights for fairness and equality. She stands up for equal pay for everyone, no matter their gender or race, and supports the rights of LGBTQ people.
  • We also have Khizr Khan, who came to the United States from Pakistan. He spoke out against a ban that some people wanted to put on Muslims coming to America. He believes that everyone should be treated with kindness and respect, no matter where they come from or what they believe in.
  • Another incredible person is Simone Biles, a talented gymnast. She’s not only amazing at doing flips and tricks, but she also speaks up about important issues like abuse and mental health. She’s a true inspiration!
  • There are even more awesome people on the list, like Sandra Lindsay, who is a nurse and helps take care of sick people. Sister Simone Campbell, who works hard to make sure everyone has what they need to live a good life. Julieta Garcia, who has done amazing things in education. Fred Gray, who fought for civil rights. And Gabrielle Giffords, who has been a strong advocate for gun control after surviving a tragic shooting.
  • Wow, aren’t all these people amazing? They’re making a big difference in the world, and that’s something to celebrate! The ceremony to honor these incredible individuals will take place at the White House on July 7th. It’s going to be a grand event!
  • Now it’s your turn, my friend. What do you think about these inspiring personalities? Share your thoughts in the comments below.

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