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Watch a video: Bear gets curious after finding camera in snow


Recommended for Foundational Grades

A recent video of a bear has gone viral.

The video shows a curious bear that gets excited after finding a GoPro camera in the snow and managed to turn it on. Then the camera record all its actions. For a while, the bear even thinks the camera is something eatable and tries to eat it. It tries to eat it many times but fails. Then, it sits there tired and looks around, possibly looking for its rightful owner.

Later, a man found the lost camera in the snow in the Wyoming hills of the United States. When he found it, he charged up the battery and saw the video of the bear,

The video has gotten 4.3 million views in the past two days and over 50,000 retweets.

GoPro cameras

What are GoPro cameras?

GoPro is an American technology company that manufactures action cameras as well as its own mobile apps and video-editing software. These cameras can be used while doing actions like running, jumping, etc to capture high quality videos and photos.

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